Evidence shows NHS vacancies returning to pre-pandemic levels
GMB has responded to the Government’s recommendation of a maximum pay rise of 3% this year for NHS workers in England.
Rachel Harrison, GMB National Officer, said:
“A maximum 3 per cent increase for exhausted NHS workers would fall far short of what they deserve.
“With spiralling inflation and hikes to National Insurance contributions, this derisory proposal means NHS workers are staring at yet another real terms loss.
“GMB has warned the Government - and the Pay Review Body - that staff are already leaving the NHS. This will be the final push that many others need.
“The Government's own evidence says early indicators show leaver rates and vacancy levels in the NHS are returning to pre-pandemic levels.
“Ministers warn of stark trade-offs between NHS pay and NHS services – but patient care is on the line if the health service can’t recruit and retain the workers it needs.
“The Government must prioritise pay, recruitment and retention.
“GMB calls on the Pay Review Body to do the right thing and recommend a pay award that NHS workers deserve.”