NHS workers’ pay award must be ‘truly independent’ of the Government’s recommendation, GMB Union has told the Pay Review Body [PRB}.
The union has today [Wednesday] written to the PRB - which reviews evidence from unions, ministers and employers before making a recommendation for NHS pay in April.
GMB, the only major union to engage with the pay process for 2025/26, has already submitted evidence to the body calling for an above inflation pay rise.
Last week the Government submitted its own evidence, saying it can only afford 2.8 per cent pay rise, some of which must be used to pay for last year’s deal.
GMB’s letter asks the PRB to consider all the evidence and make a recommendation based on the needs of workers, not just following the Government’s affordability plan.
The union will give evidence to the PRB in person on 21 January 2025
Rachel Harrison, GMB National Secretary, said:
“Fourteen years of pay freezes and below inflation pay awards have really damaged the value of NHS pay and destroyed the morale of the workforce.
“The Government’s affordability number of 2.8 per cent is deeply disappointing – and will be below inflation once it’s used to part pay for this year’s deal.
“Many lower paid NSH workers will need a pay rise in April to keep them above the National Minimum Wage, which will take a further chunk out of that 2.8 per cent.
“GMB decided to re-engage with the PRB in light of slight reforms.
“The PRB now has the opportunity to prove that they are truly independent of the Government and make a recommendation on pay that truly values and recognises the workforce.”