Each of England’s 1.25 million care workers will pay almost £100 apiece as a result of the Conservative’s Social Care Levy, a GMB delegate will tell the event in Brighton today
The figures emerge as GMB Union moves a motion for Labour Conference to back its Fight for £15 campaign demanding care workers are paid at least £15 per hour.
Cath Pinder, GMB Delegate, will tell Labour Conference:
“Britain’s care system relies on gross injustice to generate bloated profits for shadowy private companies.
“Care workers are paid the bare minimum while care home residents shell out their life savings just so they can have dignity in old age: this in a nutshell is the business model of our care system.
“And now the Conservative’s National Insurance tax hike will snatch £116 million from carer’s pay packets to fund the NHS - that’s almost £100 from each of England’s 1.25 million care workers.
“If this really is to be a moment of change for our care system, GMB believes we must take our lead from care workers themselves.
“That’s why I’m so proud of GMB's ‘Fight For £15’ campaign.”