Shadow Work and Pensions Minister Jack Dromey tells Amazon: ‘Explain yourselves in Parliament’.
The number of serious health and safety incidents reported at Amazon warehouses has now risen to more than 600, a GMB Union investigation has revealed.
Since 2015/16, a total of 602 reports have been made from Amazon warehouses to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
The figures emerge as Shadow Work and Pensions Minister Jack Dromey tells Amazon: ‘Explain yourselves in Parliament’.
The MP for Erdington and Emma Reynolds, MP for Wolverhampton North East, are at Amazon’s Rugeley warehouse today to quiz bosses about their health and safety record.
A GMB study earlier this year revealed 440 incidents had been reported – but figures from Amazon’s Swansea and Dunfermerline warehouses have now been included and bring the figure above 600.
According to the RIDDOR reports, workers have suffered fractures, head injuries, contusions, collisions with heavy equipment - and one report detailed a forklift truck crash caused by a ‘lapse of concentration possibly due to long working hours.’
How much longer can Amazon bosses ignore the terrible conditions people are forced to endure in their warehouses? They can’t keep burying their heads in the sand while their workers are breaking bones, being knocked unconscious or being taken away in ambulances.
Amazon – the richest company on the planet - has been handed millions in subsidies by UK taxpayers and frankly enough is enough. They need to take responsibility for what is happening here in the UK to fill their pockets with gold.
Tim Roache, GMB General Secretary
If Amazon want to sort this out, they need to meet with GMB. We don’t want to be protesting outside their warehouses, we’d rather be around the negotiating table, but until that happens we won’t stop campaigning to keep people safe at work.
It is simply unacceptable for such a large, profitable company as Amazon to be putting the safety of its staff at risk at work.
I am visiting the now infamous Rugeley site with Emma Reynolds MP today [November 9] to ask Amazon directly why their staff suffer so many injuries at work, as well as asking why they won't recognise GMB? What are they afraid of? Amazon must now come to Parliament and explain themselves.
Jack Dromey, MP and Shadow Work and Pensions Minister