Thanks to the perfect storm of the pandemic, staff shortages and the recent 3% pay award, which in real terms in a pay cut, GMB members in North East Ambulance have never been so demoralised. However, this has been further exacerbated by an announcement from Paul Liversidge - Deputy Chief Executive, that the meal break policy is to change.
We are concerned that this new policy is being implemented without full and proper consultation and is potentially detrimental to our members, with regards to health and safety, infection and prevention control, mental health and physical well being.
We are further alarmed that the statement from Mr Liversidge infers that the delays in waiting for an Ambulance are connected to the current meal break policy and hence his rational for change. This is simply not untrue and and it is nothing more than misleading spin.
We have informed NEAS that their actions have badly damaged the relationship that they had with our members and the workforce as a whole.
GMB will robustly challenge the change of policy on our members behalf as the change and it’s implementation is simply unacceptable.
GMB and workplace reps will be meeting with the trust next week to discuss this matter further.
Michael Hunt