More than a third of our GMB Union carers would consider packing their jobs in if vaccines were mandated
More than a third of our GMB Union carers would consider packing their jobs in if vaccines were mandated
GMB, the union for social care, said ‘ill thought through’ plans to mandate vaccinations for carers could lead to a staff exodus.
Uptake of vaccinations has been on the increase in social care and the Government could do more to address vaccine hesitancy instead of forcing vaccines on workers, the union said.
Rachel Harrison, GMB National Officer, said:
“Carers have been at the forefront of this pandemic, risking their lives to keep our loved ones safe, often enduring almost Victorian working standards in the process.
“The Government could do a lot to help them; address their pay terms and conditions, increasing the rate of and access to contractual sick pay, banning zero hours and ensuring more mobile NHS vaccination teams so those working night shifts can get the jab.
“Instead, Ministers are ploughing ahead with plans to strongarm care workers into taking the vaccine without taking seriously the massive blocks these workers still face in getting jabbed.
“This looks like another potential avoidable mess. We’ve told Ministers that more than a third of our members in social care would consider packing their jobs in if vaccines were mandated.They can’t now say they weren’t warned.
“GMB won’t stop calling out politicians who don’t have the foggiest idea or concern about the impact their decisions make on a workforce already suffering from many of the worst political failures during the pandemic.”