GMB Win: Mega pay deal sees Women workers benefit at Irvine GQ

Posted by Tom Hoyles
Thursday 7 September 2023
GMB Trade Union - GMB Win: Mega pay deal sees Women workers benefit at Irvine GQ

GMB members have won a 10% pay increase at the parachute developer

The award also sees hardship payments of £1,000 for every member earning below £35,000 struggling with the unprecedented cost of living crisis.

The award has seen the lowest paid workers, the majority of whom are Women, see a pay increase of 10%, from £11.43 to £12.60.

Nicola Savage, GMB organiser said:

“This is excellent news for our members at Irvine GQ

“This is a major step towards closing the gender pay gap in the company, where 80% of the lowest paid staff are women.

“This is a significant pay award that recognises their hard work and effort.”

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