Performing chest compressions on a Covid-19 patient requires the highest-level PPE says GMB Union
GMB members are celebrating a big win after London Ambulance Service increased the PPE requirement for staff resuscitating patients today.
The union’s activists have been campaigning for weeks to have more protection during CPR procedures.
LAS has led the way and its Trust Board took a decision to level up the PPE as recommended by the Resuscitation Council – above the level required by PHE.
Today, after a positive dialogue between GMB ambulance branch representatives and LAS, it has stepped up to adhere to Resuscitation Council guidance as best practise.
GMB Union encourages all other Ambulance Trusts to follow their lead.
Lola McEvoy GMB Organiser, said:
“For weeks our ambulance members have been raising the alarm about this.
“We are sincerely grateful to the Resuscitation Council for speaking out and confirming what frontline staff already know: Performing chest compressions on a Covid19 patient requires the highest-level PPE.
“It is essential all our frontline members are given the utmost protection equipment and we welcome the real leadership London Ambulance Trust have shown on this issue.
“These professionals should be able to determine and judge for themselves what level PPE they need, and we advise that if there is any doubt about the risk facing our members, they must absolutely have the highest level of protection.
“We urge PHE to update their guidance so that trusts across the country don’t have to make individual decisions and all frontline staff are fully protected.”