Our quick-thinking and resourceful members have really come through for the people of Birmingham
GMB Union has provided a supply of emergency hand sanitiser for workers amid a desperate Birmingham Council shortage.
Members of the union’s B01 Public Services Branch located and purchased 30 litres after Birmingham City Council Leader Ian Ward put out an emergency call for the much-needed gel this week. [pictures Attached]
The Staffordshire Gin Company sold the sanitiser to the union branch, who in turn delivered it to the council, including frontline workers at Birmingham Children’s Trust.
Alongside distilleries from across the world, the Newcastle-under-Lyme firm switched production to the World Health Organisation’s recommended formula last month, and has begun bulk deliveries to local councils, frontline workers and the NHS.
Michelle Harris, the GMB Organiser, said:
“Our quick-thinking and resourceful GMB members have really come through for the people of Birmingham.
“We congratulate their hard work and dedication to ensure the protection of frontline workers across the city.
“Thanks to The Staffordshire Gin Company. They’ve given support when the NHS and government needed them most.
“Once again union members are helping workers protect themselves in every sector. It’s very empowering and we’ve had a surge of new members this month because of actions just like this.