On the Employment Bill, Tim Roache, GMB General Secretary, said:
“The Prime Minister claims he will protect and enhance workers’ rights but his record on keeping his promises leaves a lot to be desired. We’ll be holding him to account.
“We look forward to seeing the detail of specific proposals and GMB is happy to meet with any government so we can represent the perspectives and experiences of our members.
“Trade unions are vital to ensuring rights are fully applied in the workplace and that workers have a voice.
“Restricting the rights of workers to organise and to withdraw their labour undermines all of that - as does the continuation of David Cameron’s hostile Trade Union Act.
On the NHS and Social Care, Tim Roache, GMB General Secretary said:
“For all the words about the NHS, today’s sticking plaster won’t make up for chronic underfunding of the health service.
“Our NHS is on its knees after a devastating decade of austerity and we need to see urgent action. The Tories have no plan to deal with growing waiting times and the 100,000 nationwide staff vacancies which are pushing services to breaking point.
“It’s not good enough to simply trot out the same old words about seeking a cross-party consensus on the social care crisis without any concrete detail.
“That won’t wash on anymore – we need to see deeds not words, and that means the Prime Minister unveiling the clear plan he claims to have prepared.”