GMB Union members working as gas and electric meter readers are to go on strike today after 84% voted for action.
Those working for Morrison Data Services across Wales and the South West are to walk out for three days over ‘awful conditions’.
Employees complain colleagues are off work with stress and have been prescribed antidepressants due to the ‘awful’ pressures. [More details here]
Staff are angry about ‘unachievable’ targets, failure of the company to follow their contractual collective agreements, and non-payment for work travel time – or for time on call.
The strike goes ahead today after last minute talks at the conciliation service Acas ended yesterday without agreement.
Matt Roberts, GMB Organiser, said:
"Our members have simply had enough. Morrison Data Services are turning what were once solid, secure jobs into effectively gig economy conditions.
“This company is so badly organised and structured it's unbelievable. Our members are travelling for hours, driving past colleagues who live closer, desperately trying to hit ridiculous targets then getting hauled in McDonald's restaurants for meetings with management to tell them they are not giving enough value to the business.
"Meanwhile staff get no social life or down time as they are effectively on call 24/7, as their contracts and collective agreements are ignored.
“It’s obscene, and no wonder so many workers are signed off with stress and being prescribed anti-depressants.
“We call on MDS to stop this chaos - make a credible and decent proposal to GMB, so we can start to work out how they can run their business without affecting the health and well being of staff.”