The appalling practice of not paying full occupational sick pay to hospital workers must be exposed and ended for good
G4S hospital workers in Croydon say they cannot self-isolate if they show Covid-19 symptoms because they won’t be able to survive on £94 a week statutory sick pay.
Private provider G4S holds the cleaning and porting contract in Croydon University Hospital, where GMB members feel under huge pressure to come into work even when unwell - because they will only be paid a pittance if they stay at home.
G4s workers have spent weeks trying to get minimum personal protective equipment in the same hospital.
Helen O’Connor, GMB Regional Organiser, said:
“I am flabbergasted Croydon Hospital workers are having to choose between going into work with Covid-19 or fall into destitution in the middle of a deadly worldwide pandemic.
“Croydon is now one of the London boroughs with the highest rates of Coronavirus infection.
“When the government is paying people up to £2,500 a month to stay at home, it is astounding our members doing essential jobs in the hospital are paid a fraction of that for putting their lives in danger.
“Seeing their low wages reduced to almost nothing when following clear government guidelines to avoid spreading the virus is scandalous.
“This exploitative employer is putting its own profits before the wellbeing of the hospital workforce and the patients.
"The appalling practice of not paying full occupational sick pay to hospital workers must be exposed and ended for good.
“GMB urges Croydon University Hospital to take this contract back in house to protect the workforce, its patients and the public.”