GMB, the energy union, has responded to today’s price cap rise and Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s subsequent announcement.
The measures announced by Rishi Sunak today mean the effective cap will still rise by 27% for low-income households - and £250 of Government support will be clawed back from bills.
Andy Prendergast, GMB National Secretary, said:
"As expected, today’s price cap rise will push millions of UK workers into fuel poverty.
“Carers we clapped for will go without at the end of the month, public sector workers will be forced to choose between eating and heating and millions of working people on universal credit will be pushed to the brink.
“The measures announced by the Chancellor are better than nothing – but they are a drop in the cost-of-living crisis ocean.
“Ultimately, they are as sticking plaster on the gaping wound caused by the lack of any coherent, long term energy strategy.
“We’ve dismantled our gas storage capacity, forced a regressive green poll tax on poorly paid workers , build our wind turbines on the other side of the world instead of here at home and left bill-payers to fork-out for failed energy company.
“Energy is a basic need, not a luxury and until we have a grown-up debate on the how we meet and pay for the UK’s energy needs, tens of millions will continue to suffer.”