Fury as Kingdom Services divert three years' payments from Solihull school cleaners’ retirement funds
Fury as Kingdom Services divert three years' payments from Solihull school cleaners’ retirement funds
An ‘unscrupulous’ company has pocketed £10,000 from hard-up school cleaners’ pensions, GMB Union says.
Kingdom Services Group, a cleaning contractor for Lyndon School in Solihull, have failed to deposit more than ten thousand pounds into their workers’ pension funds, despite deducting money from their pay cheques for more than three years.
Outsourcing opens up workers to ever-increasing exploitation, and it must be stopped.
David Warwick, GMB Regional Organiser
A dozen workers discovered the scandal last week as part of routine checks while Kingdom Cleaning attempts to sell its contract on to a new firm – which it failed to inform about the missing funds.
David Warwick, GMB Regional Organiser said:
“Kingdom Services Group is utterly unscrupulous – they've been pilfering the futures of hard-working staff since January 2018.
“They’re attempting to pass the contract to a new company and run off with the money
“Outsourcing opens up workers to ever-increasing exploitation, and it must be stopped.”