There won’t be a ‘pause’ in how much rent, mortgages, food and transport costs
GMB, Britain’s general union, says the Chancellor’s Comprehensive Spending Review today delivers a real terms pay cut for the workers who carried the country through the pandemic.
Warren Kenny, GMB Acting General Secretary, said:
“There won’t be a ‘pause’ in how much rent, mortgages, food and transport costs.
“The Chancellor couldn’t even bring himself to say the words ‘pay freeze’.
“He’s delivered a real terms cut for the very people who have carried us through this pandemic at great personal expense.
“The same workers whose wages still hadn’t recovered from a decade of so called ‘pay restraint’.
“Punishing public sector workers doesn’t help those in the private sector and it doesn’t help the economy.
“By trying to divide and conquer he’s letting every worker down.”