GMB welcome Welsh Governments commitment to pay real living wage for the registered social care work force, but caution that it does not go far enough.
Todays announcement will mean that all registered care staff will recieve the rate of at least £9.90 per hour.
GMB is campaigning for a £15 an hour rate for all care staff, which properly recognises the proffessional status and the demanding work that carers undertake.
Whilst the Real living wage is a step forward, the Union is committed to working with our partners in the Welsh Government to improve employment practices in the sector and create a new National Care Service that Wales can be proud of.
Kelly Andrews GMB Wales Public Services Senior Organiser said.
“This is good first step
“This increase will finally see many of our members in social care paid a wage they can live off, rather than having to live on the breadline.
“However, it doesn’t go far enough. GMB has been campaigning on behalf of our social care members for fair pay and believe that deserve at least £15 per hour, a rate that properly recognises their professional status and the incredibly demanding work they carry out.
“For too long this profession has been underpaid and undervalued, and it's high time we turn it into the kind of service we can be proud of; like our NHS.”
“GMB will continue to work with Welsh government in improving the sector for everyone and creating a National Care service that Wales can be proud of.