GMB Union has announced the dates of the strike ballot for thousands of workers at gas giant Cadent.
More than 2,000 GMB members will take part in the industrial action ballot, which runs from Friday 25 March until 12 noon 8 April.
If workers vote to walk out, a strike could take place as early as 22 April.
Workers have already rejected a below inflation pay increase of just 4 per cent next year
Cadent Gas is the largest of the four gas distribution network companies, maintaining the gas network to homes and businesses throughout five regions in England; North West, East and West Midlands, East Anglia and North London.
Cadent made an operating profit of £901 million in 2021, while CEO Steve Fraser was paid £1.4 million in 2020/21.
Gary Carter, GMB National Officer, said:
“GMB members have already rejected a pay deal - what Cadent is offering amounts to a big real terms pay cut.
“There is a cost-of-living crisis and inflation is rocketing.
“Cadent is struggling to recruit because it doesn’t pay enough and its workforce is going elsewhere to better paid jobs.
“The company made £900 million profit last year and needs to wake up what happening in the jobs market and the issues facing workers.
“The bottom line; pay more or face strike action."