Bank of England boss pledges to meet care workers

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Wednesday 23 February 2022
GMB Trade Union - Bank of England boss pledges to meet care workers

Bank of England Boss Andrew Bailey has pledged to meet care workers after GMB invited him to work as a carer for the day.

Mr Bailey came under intense criticism for suggesting workers should not ask for big pay rises to help curb inflation.

Today when questioned by Angela Eagle MP at the Treasury Select Committee about making a visit, Bailey said he will ‘certainly‘ go to a ‘whole range’ of care homes ‘because it is an important sector’.

The Bank of England boss was paid £575,000 last year.

In his letter, GMB General Secretary Gary Smith invited Mr Bailey to spend a day shadowing low-paid care workers “upon whom ‘restraint’ has been imposed for too long.”

“You do not appear to have called for restraint in price setting, or dividend payments,” the letter added.

GMB Union has yet to receive a reply to the invitation, and has written to Mr Bailey again today.

Gary Smith, GMB General Secretary, said:

"Mr Bailey made it quite clear he still thinks the answer to the cost of living crisis is to hold down wages.

“Let’s hope he follows through on his commitment to meet the low-paid workers in the care sector who he thinks should show pay ‘restraint’.

“GMB members working in care homes will want to know why he thinks they shouldn’t ask for a big pay rise, when monstrous bonuses are once again being enjoyed by bankers.”

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