£11 million would pay more than 300 much-needed paramedics' salaries for a year
The top earners at the 12 trusts across Britain trousered a combined £11.3-£11.6 million in the financial year 2016/2017.
The highest amount was paid to Secamb’s Director of Strategy and Business Development/Acting Chief Executive who was remunerated to the tune of up to £575,000.
Seacamb paid the highest combined amount to its top earners - forking out around £1.45 million to between them.
Eye-watering salaries for the bosses while ambulance staff suffer is not good enough
Rehana Azam, GMB National Secretary
The combined spend would pay more than 300 much-needed paramedics’ salaries for a year.
Rehana Azam, GMB National Secretary, said:
"Our ambulance trusts are running on empty. They’ve no money to hire and train the staff they need to save lives, they’re relying on increasingly old equipment and demand on their scarce resources is rocketing.
“GMB's ambulance members are working round the clock saving lives – they don’t want to hear their trust's meagre budget is being splashed on top brass salaries.
“£11 million pounds would pay more than 300 much-needed paramedics' salaries for a year.
"Many of our members are locked into a three year deal that doesn’t even give them a real terms pay rise.
“Eye-watering salaries for the bosses while ambulance staff suffer is not good enough. We need fairness in NHS pay now.”