Amazon workers force U-turn on warehouse closure payments

Posted by GMB Admin
Wednesday 8 January 2025
GMB Trade Union - Amazon workers force U-turn on warehouse closure payments

Workers were furious at losing a days pay.

GMB Union has today responded to the news that Amazon’s UK operation has confirmed full pay for workers during fulfilment centre ‘shut downs’ - the pre-planned closures to allow maintenance or other work on site.

Workers at Amazon’s UK fulfilment centres have historically been forced to lose a days pay when fulfilment centres closed, or been expected to use a day of annual leave to cover the closure.

The policy change was a core demand of the Union’s recent pay claim at the company and comes just weeks after Amazon bosses clashed with MP’s over their treatment of striking workers [1].

Amanda Gearing, GMB Senior Organiser, said:

“Fulfilment centre shutdowns are pre-planned and company bosses know about them months in advance.

“Until now, workers have been expected to stomach the loss of a day’s pay when they happen; it was nothing short of time theft.

“Now Amazon bosses have been left red faced as workers have forced them to end outdated and unfair employment practises.

“Only a union at Amazon will make it a fair a responsible employer, and our members won’t rest until that happens”.

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