Up to 15,000 Leeds care workers could be in line for a pay boost after a GMB campaign
Leeds City Council has announced it will boost the minimum pay of home care workers - including those who work for external providers commissioned by the council - to the Real Living Wage of £9.90 an hour from 1 April.
The council signed up to GMB’s Ethical Care Charter in 2021, which calls on local authorities and other public bodies involved in the delivery of home care to accept and commit to a series of principles, aims and objectives to improve conditions in the sector.
Stacey Booth, GMB Organiser, said:
“GMB has long fought for a fairer deal for care workers.
“Pay for care workers has been too low for far too long.
“Leeds City Council has made a bold statement with this latest commitment which should result in higher wages for thousands of home care workers in Leeds.
“This is welcome news, but GMB will continue to campaign for all care workers to get no less than £15 an hour.
“We have set up new union structures at the council to ensure it follows through on its commitment.”
“Care workers are often not even paid the entire time they are out in our communities looking after the most vulnerable people.
“The GMB Ethical Care Charter calls for an end to 'Task and Time' and we are working with the council to ensure that this too is now addressed.”