GMB Union - GMB Europe & International

GMB Europe & International

Our involvement in the Global Union Federations focuses on supporting our organising and campaigning priorities across our industrial sectors.

Many of our members work in sectors and companies that are part of an increasingly global environment. It is important that GMB maximises its influence and leverage to support our members’ interests at this level, and develop international worker solidarity across companies and industrial sectors.

Some of the Federations have developed networks of trade unions across some key multinationals such as Amazon and ISS, to co-ordinate campaign work to improve rights and conditions in these companies. The Federations also co-ordinate the European Works’ Councils and Global agreements with multinational companies.

Leaving the EU will not affect our ability to affiliate to the European level Federations, and our involvement in the Federations at European and International level is likely to become more important in the future.

Our work with the Global Union Federations is co-ordinated through GMB’s Industrial Sections, and involves lay activists from our sections and section national officers. GMB is keen to develop our lay activist involvement in the Federations further across the sections.

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