Four Seasons Noticeboard

Last update: 6 Mar 2025
Latest Update

Four Seasons Health Care TUPE Meetings

Posted on:

Dear Members,

We are sure you are absorbed with the news that the care group is going through its final sales process for the remaining 42 homes in the group.

This has been a long time coming – but despite the wait – the next few weeks will seem to move very, very quickly.

If you need to speak with us if you have any questions or concerns relating to your current contract, hours, sponsorship or flexible working arrangements you can contact your region here:

020 8202 8272


0191 233 3930

0300 165 5585

0151 727-0077

02920 491 260

020 8397 8881

0141 332 8641

What you can ask for:

As a FSHC employee you are entitled to request a copy of your employee file prior to completion of the TUPE taking place. This will provide you with the opportunity to check that this information is accurate and reflects your current contract.

This information is very important post TUPE should the new employer bring in any changes.

If you have ANY ‘informal’ arrangements (regular arrangements, you have which may not be written down) –

For example:

  • You finish early on a Friday for childcare reasons but pick up longer hours on a Sunday
  • You do longer hours but fewer days in an arrangement with your manager
  • You do split shifts
  • You work on a rota opposite to your partner for childcare reasons
  • Your shift start times and finish times are different due to childcare
  • You only work set days due to study
  • You are ‘bank’ but work regular hours and have done for a long period of time

It is important that you get a written notice of these and copies of proof this is a regular arrangement eg. copies of your rotas – you should also bring these arrangements up when you have any 1:1 meetings with your manager.

Questions you can ask the new employer: 

  • How long have you been a care home provider?
  • What are the names of your other care companies?
  • Does your company have a sponsorship licence?
    • If YES – what is the name of the licence holder?
    • If NO – how can you ensure that our rights are protected as sponsored workers?
  • Will you continue to deduct union contributions from our pay?
  • I am currently part way through a training qualification [Apprenticeship/NVQ / SVQ/Nurses training] will the new company continue to pay and support my training and development?
  • As Four Seasons employees we are entitled to company sick pay – which is payment from day one – are you committed to ensuring that we continue to receive company sick pay?
  • We are currently being consulted on our new pay offer – will the new company be administering the offer in full if accepted by the union members?
  • Have you plans to speak to the National Organiser of GMB Union?
  • As Four Seasons employees, we have had our PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION fees covered by our old employer. Can we count on this to continue? (This currently applies to care professionals in Northern Ireland and Scotland and registered nurses.)
  • We are currently entitled to Long Service awards at 10, 15, 20 and 25 years, which gives us extra annual leave and a small cash payment. How do you propose that we continue to receive benefits for our commitment to the company and residents?
  • We are currently entitled to a meal on shift – we trust this will continue?
  • How does the new employer propose to continue to engage with our trade union GMB. GMB negotiate our pay and terms and conditions, and we expect this to continue. For example, how often will the new employer meet the GMB and the other unions?
  • Will the new employer continue to contribute to trade union facility time? How does the new employer propose to do this?
  • We have support to travel to work in minibuses on days when public transport is difficult eg. Christmas day – will the new company continue to support us in getting to work?
  • We currently get lots of discounts offered to us by FSHC through ‘Happy Hub’ – do you have an equivalent?
  • What wellbeing offers do you have?
  • Do you provide us with a reimbursement for a Blue Light Card as FSHC currently do?

​ Your Pay Offer Has Been Made - Your Ballot on Pay Opens on 4th March 2025

Posted on:

The joint trade unions recognised in Four Seasons (GMB, RCN, Unison) have been engaged in negotiations with the organisation regarding the 2025 pay offer.

GMB and the joint trade unions are bringing this offer to you in a time of potential unrest for you as you face a TUPE transfer to a new employer.

With these transfer dates in mind – and the pay anniversary day being 1st April – we want to ensure that we can secure a negotiated pay uplift before the majority of you transfer in mid-April.

Four seasons have made an offer and advised the trade unions that this has been provided to the new employers.

The final offer being made by Four Seasons can be summarised as follows:

- Increase to the National Living Wage rate of 6.7% (from £11.44 per hour to £12.21 per hour) - For those on pay scales above National Living Wage, the average increase will vary. It will be at least 3.5% for all hourly paid employees and for over two thirds of our colleagues it will be more 4% or more.

For members in Scotland, the pay offer adds that “In Scotland, we [Four Seasons] are part of the National Care Home contract arrangements and are awaiting the outcome of the national minimum wage as a result.”

You can see the full pay scale here:  2025-pay-rates-offer.pdf

- For periods of sickness absence, we will continue to pay the first 3 days of absence at the Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) equivalent level (currently £116.75 per week). These 3 ‘waiting days’ are not currently paid under the Government SSP scheme.

- We will increase Employer Pension contributions by a further 0.25% to 3.5% in total from 1 April 2025.

- We will continue the gift day to all team members to be taken within 2 weeks of their birthday. - We will continue to provide free hot and cold meal options and free tea and coffee to all employees in our care homes.

- We will continue to reimburse membership of the Blue Light discount card scheme for all employees (current cost £5 for 2 years’ membership)

- Wherever possible, we will continue to offer free parking and support other transport options such as minibuses where we can.

- We will give each employee a £30 voucher as a ‘thank you’ and a token of our appreciation upon completion of the sales process (they must be employed at completion).

*The following categories of employees will not be eligible for an annual increase

  • Those with less than 6 months service as at 1 April 2025 (other than those in a role with a standard rate of pay)
  • Those who have received a pay increase in the last 6 months as at 1st April 2025 (i.e. 1st October 2024 or later. If the increase they received was less than the new 1st April rate they will receive the difference only
  • Those who are subject to disciplinary proceedings as at 1st April 2025 or before the increase is processed
  • Those who resign prior to 1st April 2025

The offer for all trade unions falls below the expectations we would wish to receive for our members. Following the initial offer, we returned to Four Seasons with further positions to improve pay, sick pay and ensure a fair and transparent pay grading system.

Due to the exchange of contracts for the TUPE transfers, FHSC were not able to make any further improvements on pay.

They did however do a check on underpayments for GMB members.

You may recall that in our Pay Survey in 2024 we asked you to let us know your hourly rates of pay.

GMB highlighted the discrepancies to the company and made the case that there should be no reasons why workers fall outside the pay scale brackets.

As a result, the company went through their workforce records and have identified anomalies where some workers may have been underpaid – anywhere between 1p and £1 an hour.

The company have advised they will rectify this before the transfer dates and that any workers who have been underpaid will receive their payments in the form of back pay.

Due to your security for pay being of the highest priority to GMB – we are recommending that FSHC and Brighterkind members accept the offer – to secure this uplift before the transfer to the new employer takes place.

We are visiting workplaces to ask you to give us your views on the pay offer and are running an online ballot form too due to the short timeframe of the ballot period.

Only union members have the right to have their say on pay.

The consultation closes at noon on 20th March 2025.

Four Seasons – Remaining Sale of homes

Posted on:

Dear members,

You may have seen in the press and have been contacted by the employer relating to the future sale of the remaining 45 homes in the group.

The GMB and collective recognised unions were informed about the move forward by the CEO in June and we are having follow up conversations with the company to ensure that communication lines are open between you and the company, that managers are informed and briefed to keep you updated on developments in the homes as they happen.

The full group sale process has been long, and while the sale has been announced, it may take months to complete. The joint unions have been involved and informed from the outset and the latest announcement is no different.

The relationship between the unions and the company remains productive and considering the level of sales which have already taken place and Four Seasons management working with GMB to ensure the continuity of care for residents and staff, we are optimistic about the transfer going through smoothly.

If you have any questions or concerns, which you do not feel comfortable raising directly, you can contact your GMB region and speak with a representative and we will put these forward on your behalf.

Four Seasons 2024-25 Pay Ballot Results

Posted on:

The joint trade unions recognised in Four Seasons (GMB, RCN, UNISON) have been engaged in negotiations with the organisation regarding the 2024-25 pay offer and the consultation with members has concluded.

GMB Members Results are:

  • 75% Accept – 24% Reject
  • GMB members have voted to accept the Offer

RCN Members Results are:

  • 77% Accept - 23% Reject
  • RCN Members have voted to accept the offer

Unison Members Results are:

  • 82% Accept – 18% Reject
  • Unison Members have voted to accept the Offer

The accepted Four Seasons offer can be summarised as follows:

  • a minimum of a 5% pay rise.
  • an annual leave ‘gift day’ to be taken within a month of an employee’s birthday.
  • From 1 October 2024, the Four Seasons Health Care Group will contribute a further 0.25% of base pay to each employee’s pension which means a 3.25% total for the employer’s contribution.
  • For younger workers, a minimum wage of £11.44 per hour, even if the National Living Wage pay rate for their age is less than this.

The company will be informed on 21/05/24 and the pay uplift should be increased during your next pay cycle and will be backdated until 1st April 2024.

Thank you for your engagement in the 2024 pay consultation.

FSHC Pay Offer 2024

Posted on:

The joint trade unions recognised in Four Seasons (GMB, RCN, Unison) have been engaged in negotiations with the organisation regarding the 2024-25 pay offer.

These negotiations have taken longer than usual because the unions have made several counter proposals following the original offer. All parties have entered these discussions in a respectful and constructive way and progress has been made in a number of areas.

The final offer being made by Four Seasons, can be summarised as follows:

  1. A 5% increase for all hourly paid care colleagues
  2. All young workers will receive a minimum wage of £11.44
  3. Gift day - an extra days annual leave to be taken in the month of your birthday
  4. Increase in Employers Pension Contributions of 0.25% from 1st October 2024
  5. 5 years service from 1st Jan 2024 receives a £25 voucher

We are visiting workplaces to ask you to give us your views on the pay offer.

Only Union members have the right to have their say on pay.

The joint trade unions believe this offer is the best achievable through negotiation.

The consultation closes at noon on 20th May 24.

We will announce the outcome on Tuesday 21st May 2024.

Any other increases in pay will not be paid until there is a conclusion to the pay consultation and negotiation process. All increases will be backdated to 1st April in any event.

In the meantime, statutory pay increases relating to the minimum wage will be paid from April 1st.

Your Pay - 2024

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It was great to meet so many members in workplaces over recent weeks and have the chance to talk to you about your pay aspirations.

Unsurprisingly, the top issue for FSHC members is pay with the top 3 following asks of your pay claim being

  • Annual Leave
  • Occupational Sick Pay
  • An increase in employers pension contributions – so they pay in more than you do to top up your Nest pension

You also told us about how you feel stressed at work and are facing multiple challenges in staffing levels, working through your breaks and the gradual increase of duties which are not in your job descriptions.

Today, 21/12/23, GMB and the joint unions met with FSHC to present your pay claim for 2024. All union members across FSHC group have their voice heard in pay claim submissions.
In pay negotiations it is the voices of the union members who are heard. FSHC negotiators need to be influenced and there is no stronger message than your real-life stories.

  • Do you have a long term health condition and can't take the time off because you can't afford it?
  • Are you trying to plan your retirement but can see that your Nest pension won't cover the basics?
  • Does your pay not cover rent, food or bills?
  • Have you seen your job change and the level of duties you are expected to undertake increased in the last few years?

If you have said yes to any of the above and you have a story which you are willing to tell FSHC about how you pay, pension or stress and work impacts you – GMB wants to help you make the case to make work better.

Let us know here if you’ll share your story:

Retained Homes

Posted on:

Dear Members,

It has been a long time since the assurance of stability in the Four Seasons Group, but the company’s notification of retaining some of its homes, will undoubtedly be a relief to many of you.

Throughout October and November, GMB Representatives have been visiting homes and contacting you for your feedback on the pay negotiations which will take place in early 2024. We are seeking to input your pay claim in November as we are aware of the acute challenges for the cost-of-living crisis.

If you have received this notice by text or email, we have your up-to-date contact details. However, if you have not received anything and are looking at this notice in the workplace or online – you need to update your contact details with GMB Union directly.

Please contact your region GMB Regions | GMB with your name, postcode, workplace and contact details as soon as possible.

At this moment, care is high on the news agenda, with media stories everyday about staffing shortages and the reasons – low pay, lack of work life balance, stress and anxiety and the impact of workers in care in a cost of living crisis.

It is important for you to use your voice to tell your union the things you want us to focus on.

We want to negotiate on the things that matter to you the most, which isn’t always just about your hourly rate - this could include sick pay, breaks, overtime pay or bank holiday pay – but it could also be something else we haven’t thought of yet – it’s your opportunity to tell us.

A survey is a great way to do that, but your involvement and activism is too. If you want to make working for FSHC better, then becoming a GMB Representative is your way to have an influence on that. Become a workplace representative | GMB

Update your details – step forward and become a GMB Union Rep.

TUPEd Homes and Pay Survey

Posted on:

Dear Members,

Through the last few months, we hope you have been able to speak with a GMB Union representative in your workplace. The scale of sales and transfers has been of great magnitude over the last few months and while we know some of the sales have been at short notice, we recognise that many of you now feel a little more optimistic of the future.

Throughout October and November, GMB Representatives have been visiting the FSHC homes which are remaining in the group for members’ feedback on the pay negotiations which will take place in early 2024.

As you are no longer part of the FSHC group or will not be by the time pay talks have started, you are not being consulted in the same way as we are now dealing with multiple employers, rather than just the FSHC group. As some of the new employers have sought to derecognise the GMB, which means while you are able to retain your right to representation and legal support – the new employers have broken the agreement to talk to us about pay rises and terms and conditions.

GMB can negotiate pay with your new employers on a local level, but it will mean different tactics and it is very important for you as GMB members to participate in the union to show that you are together and want to be listened to. New employers gamble on care sector workers not standing up for themselves, but together, we can show them that you do.

Your pay survey is here:

If you have received this notice by text or email, we have your up-to-date contact details. However, if you have not received anything and are looking at this notice in the workplace or online – you need to update your contact details with GMB Union directly.

Please contact your region GMB Regions | GMB with your name, postcode, workplace and contact details as soon as possible.

At this moment, care is high on the news agenda, with media stories everyday about staffing shortages and the reasons – low pay, lack of work life balance, stress and anxiety and the impact of workers in care in a cost of living crisis.

It is important for you to use your voice to tell your union the things you want us to focus on.

We want to negotiate on the things that matter to you the most, which isn’t always just about your hourly rate - this could include sick pay, breaks, overtime pay or bank holiday pay – but it could also be something else we haven’t thought of yet – it’s your opportunity to tell us.

A survey is a great way to do that, but your involvement and activism is too. If you want to make working in the care sector better, then becoming a GMB Representative is your way to have an influence on that. Become a workplace representative | GMB

Update your details – Complete your survey – step forward and become a GMB Union Rep.

Noticeboard Bulletin - 19-06-2023

Posted on:

Dear Member,

As your union – GMB has been requesting updates from your employer on the sale process of Four Seasons Care Homes.

Sales are often long and complex processes and at this time, the GMB has not been informed of who the prospective buyers are as the majority of the process is still ongoing, but when we know information, we are acting swiftly to ensure your voice is heard.

We have been proactive with workplace visits and supported members in Scotland who have been informed of an early sale transition and the North East, who have recently been informed that their home is listed for closure, and are lobbying the local authorities to intervene to help protect jobs of our members and fight for the highest quality of services which we know you all strive for.

We recognise that this is still a worrying time but advise you that you are not helpless in this situation and there are proactive things that you can do right now to start helping you to prepare for the transfer to a new employer.

The following link brings you to a survey, which we are asking members to complete -

GMB are conducting this survey to gather as much information as possible - ready to negotiate with any new employer who comes into the home, or we notice that you may be missing information which may be wise for you to get before a transfer takes place.

Please complete the survey, either online or in person and if you are in need of support, please contact your local GMB Office -


Noticeboard Bulletin - 15-05-2023

Posted on:

Dear member,

Four Seasons pay ballots are nationally negotiated and each vote counts equally to the next, no matter which nation you work in.

The overall vote of the combined nations led to an instruction of a 65% majority of GMB members to accept the offer.

However, our ballot data showed that while the overall result was a accept, we should have a conversation with FSHC to put our Scottish members views forward.

Much of the feedback that we received from members, were around the coronation bank holiday, and the terms attached to the non-consolidated payment, these were staff had to have a minimum of 6 months length of service and not subject to disciplinary proceedings, being unfair.

As the Coronation took place before our ballot end date, GMB reached out to the employer to seek a better offer for members.

Due to our action, an agreement was made that all staff would receive an extra day of annual leave.

Since the ballot result, talks have secured the following points of improvement, which impact all staff at FSHC.

Confirmation of £200 non-consolidated payment being paid as a gross payment

All attached stipulations are dropped, meaning all staff, minus bank or zero hours contracts, will receive this payment.

The £200 payment can also be spread, at request to multiple pay packets, to help lessen the impact to any universal credit payments.

Four Seasons are after many years, advanced in the homes sale process and FSHC have responded positively to dialogue with the GMB and finding a way forward.

These concessions, while minimal, with the extra day annual leave, the offer of free hot / cold food, tea and coffee to all staff members regardless of shift length and the introduction of Blue Light discount card we hope will go some way to give you some useful benefits in the final months of FSHC being your employer.

As the original overall result was an instruction to accept the offer, following these improvements, we have sent confirmation of national acceptance by the GMB membership.

We would like to thank all the members that took the time to vote, this years ballot has seen the highest turnout of members in recent years and it is encouraging to see members becoming active in their workplace and many taking the step to become workplace representatives during the last few weeks.

GMB recognises that care work is still undervalued and underpaid. We are committed to win £15 an hour as a starter rate for Care workers. And preparation work is underway to focus on getting the best possible outcome for our members during this sale process. Representatives are a key part in making that happen.

Get in touch through the link if you too are ready to take that step forward.

For final confirmation, the ballot results are as follows:

To Accept the Offer: 65%

To Reject the Offer: 35%

Company procedures will now take place to implement this pay award.

Noticeboard Bulletin - 11-05-2023

Posted on:

Dear member,

Following a lengthy ballot process undertaken by GMB Union, the RCN and Unison, I am writing to inform you of the ballot outcome. GMB members working in English and Welsh homes, voted to accept the offer made by the company.

However, GMB members in Scotland voted overwhelmingly against the offer.

GMB has contacted the company and the other unions to advise that while there are regional differences, this result cannot be brushed over and GMB has an obligation to our members to put their views forward.

Although the offer has been accepted in England, we must hear from the voices of our members in Scotland, and we need to explore options.

GMB Scotland will now undertake a listening exercise with members and on their advisement, we will seek to make improvements on the offer.

The GMB strive towards making work better, but it is member voices and participation which ensure the gains that we make.

Be sure, your voice is heard in the GMB Union, and we will work as quickly as possible towards an outcome.

Natalie GraysonGMB National Care Lead Organiser

Noticeboard Bulletin - 21-04-2023

Posted on:

Dear Member,

As your union – GMB has been informed from FSCH that the sale process is drawing a timeline for completion expected by Autumn 2023.

This has been a long and worrying process for many members following the 2019 announcement of company liquidation and while the outcome of the sale is still in process, what we can be sure of is the work GMB are doing before any transfer does take place - which focuses on your need for job security, your safety in the workplace and your rights to collective representation through the GMB.

It is during times like these that it is essential that members become involved in the union. Having points of contact and trained union representatives ensures we are focused and understand the issues which are the most important to you – it keeps your voices heard.

"Work is a huge part of our life and our time - I became a GMB Representative because we need to invest in making our working life better - every GMB rep contributes to that"

"The training and skills GMB have given me as a Rep help me to deal positively with the issues our members face at work - I encourage you to give it a try!"

Workplace visits are currently taking place in homes, for you to vote on the current pay offer but if you miss your Regional Officers visit, have any further questions or want to find out more about becoming a GMB representative please contact your local office GMB Regions | GMB

Four Seasons Pay Bulletin 2023

Posted on:

Dear GMB Member

The joint trade unions have been engaged in negotiations with Four Seasons regarding the 2023-24 pay offer. We submitted a pay claim on your behalf in December 2022, and there have been numerous discussions with the company since that date. Negotiations have been conducted against the backdrop of the financial position of Four Seasons which, as you know, is an organisation currently going through a sale process. All parties have entered these discussions in a respectful and constructive way and progress has been made in a number of areas.

The attached document 2023 Pay Claim - response to union proposals (005) (4).pdf outlines the details of the final offer being made by Four Seasons, which can be summarised as follows:

  • Increase to the National Living Wage rate of 9.7% (from £9.50 per hour to £10.42 per hour)
  • For those on pay scales above National Living Wage, the average increase will vary. It will be at least 5% for all hourly paid employees, and for around 80% of people it will be at least 5.9%
  • For periods of sickness absence, Four Seasons will pay the first 3 days of absence at the Statutory Sick pay (SSP) equivalent level (currently £99.35 per week). Currently, payment only begins on day 4 of sickness.
  • An extra day of paid leave in relation to the King’s coronation on May 8 for those who are not rostered to work on that day. For those who are rostered to work on that day an enhanced pay rate of 1.5 times hourly rate will be paid.
  • 0ne extra day’s annual leave entitlement for those employees with continuous service of 2 years at Four Seasons, and a further extra day for those with 5 years’ service.
  • A one-off non-consolidated payment of £200 to all employees in our Care Homes (except bank staff/zero hours contracts) regardless of length of service or number of contracted hours.

The joint trade unions have decided not to give a formal recommendation on the offer. However, we believe this offer is the best achievable by negotiation.

The GMB consultation opens on Monday 3 April 2023 closes at noon on Friday 5 May 2023.

In the meantime, statutory pay increases relating to the minimum wage will be paid from April 1st. Any other increases in pay will not be paid until there is a conclusion to the pay consultation and negotiation process. All increases will be backdated to 1st April in any event.


Posted on:

Thank you to all GMB members that responded to the recent GMB pay claim consultation survey.

Results will now be analysed and considered to be included in this years joint union pay claim.

A meeting of GMB, Unison and RCN will take place imminently and we hope to submit the pay claim to Four Seasons later this month.


Posted on:


Dear Member,

We wish to advise you of the result of this years pay ballot and negotiations, carried out by joint Trade Unions, GMB, RCN, and Unison this year.

The 2022/23 pay offer ballot closed 31st May 2022, with an outcome of Unison members voting to accept and GMB and RCN members voting to reject the pay offer.

Since this time, the joint TU’s and Four Seasons Healthcare have met to discuss the ballot outcome.

Four Seasons Healthcare have indicated that due to their current financial circumstances, they will not consider any ‘across the board’ improvement on the pay offer, and intend to impose the increase and back pay in July.

The joint Trade Unions have indicated that we do not agree that the pay offer cannot be improved, however we have agreed for the increase and back pay to be paid in July, in recognition of the severe financial pressures faced by our members.

In the meantime, the joint Trade Unions will continue to negotiatate for improvements to pay, terms and conditions, as well as ad hoc local pay increases, which are used as a measure to address local recruitment and retention issues.

Should you have any questions regarding any part of this pay consultation, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Yours sincerely,

Leigh Murray Gavin Edwards Rachel Harrison

National Officer National Officer National Officer

Royal College of Nursing Unison GMB


Posted on:

Nicola, one of our dedicated Four Seasons union reps, explains the offer currently being balloted on:

Noticeboard Bulletin - 12-04-2022

Posted on:

You now have a chance to vote on a pay offer from Four Seasons Health Care. The ballot of GMB members opens on the 25th April and closes on the 23rd May 2022.

GMB is recommending that members reject this offer. However you do have the right to vote accordingly.

If you do reject this offer you should also be prepared to vote for industrial action - do not vote to reject this offer if you're not prepared to support this with a vote to strike.

The final offer from FSHC is as follows:

  • National living wage implementation from 1st April to those earning below £9.50 (This is a Legal Requirement).
  • To maintain pay bandings where possible.
  • An enhanced rate of pay for those who work on the Jubilee Bank Holiday 3rd June.

Anyone in receipt of a pay rate increase from 1st October 2021 onwards will not qualify for this increase unless the increase they received was less than the suggested increment.

FSHC have advised they are not in a position to review minimum pay rates in accordance with new sector wide policies being implemented in the devolved nations.

For example, four seasons will not be implementing the social care rate in Scotland from the 1st of April £10.50 per hour.

This offer is not in our view in line with what other employers in the sector are currently paying coupled with the rise in cost of living with RPI currently sitting at 8.2%, our members are facing the worst drop in living standards in fifty years.

Please make sure to cast your vote, update your details and change your payment method to direct debit.

Encourage colleagues who are not in a union to join online, or by speaking to a local rep.

As soon as the results are in, we will communicate with our members thank you for your continued support through these challenging times.

Previous Bulletins

Noticeboard Bulletin - 05-12-2022

Posted on:

READ THE 2021 PAY CLAIM IN FULL Thank you to everyone who completed the recent pay consultation survey. The results have been collated and the message from GMB members was loud and clear - that this year you want a significant increase in pay and recognition for your efforts during Covid-19. The majority of respondents to the survey want to see a significant wage increase to recognise the commitment made by the workforce during the COVID Pandemic. Re-spondents overwhelmingly asked for: contractual sick pay; overtime rates of pay; unso-cial hours enhancements; equality of pay; paid breaks and more staff. GMB has now submitted a formal pay claim to Four Seasons Health care on behalf of our members and we await a formal response. A summary of the claim:

  • A substantial % pay rise on all pay points that reflects the skills and re-sponsibilities, hard work, dedication and compensation for staff putting their lives and families at risk. That should be comparable with that of NHS colleagues.
  • The introduction of an occupational sick pay scheme for all staff, irrespec-tive of the cause of ill health absence. Develop a robust policy with the trade unions to support staff attendance at work.
  • The introduction of enhancements for unsociable working hours, particu-larly night shifts and all bank holidays, and a standard enhanced rate for all overtime worked.
  • The reimbursement of the cost of registration fees for care assistants and registered nurses
  • Registered nurses should be paid a minimum of £17/hour. Further, signifi-cantly narrow the pay gap between nursing assistants and registered nurses.
  • Details of a plan to ensure short staffing levels are addressed in the com-ing year. The joint unions stand ready to work with Four Seasons on this.
  • We request that Fours Seasons signs up to the TUC Menopause campaign the page. More information can be found here.

You can request a copy of the detailed pay claim, including data from the recent survey and the economic and financial background information considered to formulate this claim, by contacting your local GMB Representative or by emailing.
Not a GMB Member? Join today! Find more information about being a GMB Rep or Contact in your Workplace.Want an online meeting at your workplace to discuss the pay claim?Email

Noticeboard Bulletin - 01-02-2022

Posted on:

Thank you to our members in Four Seasons who completed the recent pay consultation survey. The results have been collated and the message from GMB members was strong and direct - that you don’t feel you are paid appropriately for the work you do and ask for a pay rise which matches inflation.

The majority of respondents to the survey demand to see a significant wage increase to recognise the strong commitment made by the workforce during the COVID Pandemic and beyond. Respondents overwhelmingly asked for: unsocial hours enhancements/shift pay; more paid holidays; better staffing levels and contractual sick pay to be encouraged to remain working in the sector.

GMB is now in the process of submitting a formal pay claim to Four Seasons Health care on behalf of our members and we await a formal response.


  • A substantial % pay rise to match inflation on all pay points that reflects the skills and responsibilities, hard work, dedication, and compensation for staff putting their lives and families at risk. That should be comparable with that of NHS colleagues.
  • The introduction of an occupational sick pay scheme for all staff, irrespective of the cause of ill health absence. Develop a robust policy with the trade unions to support staff attendance at work.
  • The introduction of enhancements for unsociable working hours, particularly night shifts and all bank holidays, and a standard enhanced rate for all overtime worked.
  • The reimbursement of the cost of registration fees for care assistants and registered nurses
  • Registered nurses should be paid a minimum of £17/hour. Further, significantly narrow the pay gap between nursing assistants and registered nurses.
  • Details of a plan to ensure short staffing levels are addressed in the coming year. The joint unions stand ready to work with Four Seasons on this.

You can request a copy of the data from the recent survey and the economic and financial background information considered to formulate this claim, by contacting your local GMB Representative or by emailing.

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Want an online meeting at your workplace to discuss the pay claim?


GMB, UNISON & RCN have had regular meetings with Four Seasons Health Care during the COVID19 Crisis.

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Many members who are in the most vulnerable group have been advised to shield for 12 weeks by the Government due to health reasons that put them at higher risk of COVID 19.

The government recently announced the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, under which HMRC will protect workers’ wages up to 80% of their usual pay, to a cap of £2,500 per month. This leave is called furlough. It was intended to help companies which had to lay off staff due to temporary closure of their business. Initially, most care providers did not qualify for this scheme which meant social care workers were excluded. However, after challenges from the Trade unions, guidance has been changed so that staff who need it can be offered furlough with pay if they are having to shield.

Due to these changes FSHC is now able to access this scheme for their most vulnerable workers. This means that any Colleague who is in receipt of a letter from the NHS advising them to shield, will be eligible to be placed on furlough leave, which FSHC group have agreed to top up to 100% usual pay from 1st May 2020.

The Joint unions welcome the scheme; however, we are disappointed that the FSHC group will not be backdating this payment.

If you believe you are eligible for the scheme, please contact your home manager ASAP.


Noticeboard Bulletin - 18-03-2020

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Full details about Coronavirus for GMB members is available on our dedicated webpage and can be accessed below.

Click here for the latest guidance

The GMB is in regular communication with Four Seasons Healthcare regarding their Covid-19 planning, including managing staff absences from work. Information and advice is changing daily and we will endeavor to keep you up to date with developments.

Below is a summary of some key areas you may have concerns about.

  • Should you be off work due to self-isolation you will be paid Statutory Sick Pay from Day One of absence.
  • Should you be required to self-isolate, this sickness absence will not count towards formal sickness absence and therefore not result in disciplinary sanctions.
  • Contingency plans are constantly being reviewed and daily updates are being issued to Home Managers who will be able to keep you updated.
  • Non-urgent visits to Care Homes will be restricted and this may include visits from your GMB Trade Union Representatives.

The GMB understands that this is a time where many of our members, who have already been working under immense pressures, will be expected to go over and above, more so than normal. We want to assure you that we are doing everything in our power to get you the protection and support that you need.

If you are affected by any of the above and need further guidance and support, please speak with your local GMB representative.

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