Social Care Noticeboards
Barchester Noticeboard
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Barchester Delay Implementing 'No Jab, No Job' Policy For Staff:
Posted on:
We have recieved a response to concerns we expressed around employee vaccination policy, and have taken the decision to delay implementing it until 23rd April.
The full correspondence reads:
Thank you for your email,
This response relates only to the 31 former Four Seasons/brighterkind services only.
The Exec Board held our first of the fortnightly formal meetings last Monday to review any new research around vaccine safety, efficacy, impact on transmissibility, variants etc. No data had come to light which contradicted previous thinking which underpins the approach set out in the Policy and much of it supported that approach. We will continue to hold such meetings with Professor Stonehouse fortnightly (and summarise any additional information and any outcomes with all staff each time) up to the 23rd April and can, as mentioned previously, delay the full implementation of the Vaccine Policy.
Should the Vaccine Policy go live on 23rd April or on some later date, then Barchester will invite by letter all relevant employees to an individual meeting with their GM, to which they have the right to be accompanied. The employee will have the opportunity to discuss and represent their position including any concerns they may have or any further consideration that may apply to them. The employees’ representations will be carefully considered and Barchester will also consider alternatives and the outcome of this would be shared with the employee, which may include a dismissal outcome where contractual notice would apply. The employee would have the right to appeal that outcome.
We understand that many employees who were previously hesitant have seen that accepting the vaccine is appropriate, being safe, effective in reducing disease and also in reducing the risk of transmission to the vulnerable residents for which they care. As a result, we hope very much that there will be no relevant employees.
I hope that helps.
Kind regards
GMB are awaiting from Barchester Healthcare on their current arrangements during the pandemic and will update members as soon as we have these. For now, please see details on the All Social Care Noticeboard and below, on the Coronavirus Hub.
Full details about Coronavirus for GMB members is available on our dedicated webpage and can be accessed using the following link:

The GMB is in regular communication with Barchester regarding their Covid-19 planning, including managing staff absences from work. Information and advice is changing daily and we will endeavor to keep you up to date with developments.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance for members in Barchester
Posted on:
GMB are awaiting an update soon from Barchester Healthcare on their current arrangements during the pandemic and will update members as soon as we have these. For now, please see details on the All Social Care Noticeboard and below, on the Coronavirus Hub.
Full details about Coronavirus for GMB members is available on our dedicated webpage and can be accessed using the following link:
The GMB is in regular communication with Barchester regarding their Covid-19 planning, including managing staff absences from work. Information and advice is changing daily and we will endeavor to keep you up to date with developments.
Below is a summary of some key areas you may have concerns about.
- Should you be off work due to self-isolation you will be paid Statutory Sick Pay from Day One of absence.
- Staff will be supported to refresh their infection control.
- Non-urgent visits to Care Homes will be restricted and this may include visits from your GMB Trade Union Representatives.
Barchester have also published advice online at
The GMB understands that this is a time where many of our members, who have already been working under immense pressures, will be expected to go over and above, more so than normal. We want to assure you that we are doing everything in our power to get you the protection and support that you need.
If you are affected by any of the above and need further guidance and support, please speak with your local GMB representative.
Noticeboard Bulletin - 16-03-2020
Posted on:
Full details about Coronavirus for GMB members is available on our dedicated webpage and can be accessed using the following link:

The GMB is in regular communication with Barchester regarding their Covid-19 planning, including managing staff absences from work. Information and advice is changing daily and we will endeavor to keep you up to date with developments.
Below is a summary of some key areas you may have concerns about.
- Should you be off work due to self-isolation you will be paid Statutory Sick Pay from Day One of absence.
- Staff will be supported to refresh their infection control.
- Non-urgent visits to Care Homes will be restricted and this may include visits from your GMB Trade Union Representatives.
Barchester have also published advice online at
The GMB understands that this is a time where many of our members, who have already been working under immense pressures, will be expected to go over and above, more so than normal. We want to assure you that we are doing everything in our power to get you the protection and support that you need.
If you are affected by any of the above and need further guidance and support, please speak with your local GMB representative.
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