Make a difference
At GMB Union, we have Young Members Networks all across the country for GMB members aged 30 and under. From launching local campaigns for student workers, to co-ordinating national campaigns, to fight for an increase in the minimum wage, we work together to bring about change.
These self-organised groups (SOGs) run their own campaigns based on their collective priorities and give members a chance to work alongside other like minded people to make a difference.

What can I get involved in?
Whatever your skills or experience, as long as you have a desire to improve things for yourself and others you will find your place in the GMB community.
Every GMB branch has a Youth Officer Position, which is often an easy way to get involved. That said, why not become a workplace rep or take up any other position in branch? Reps have more power in the workplace, and can help themselves and their colleagues get what they deserve form their employer. When you become a rep you get loads of training from the union and mentoring from your branch.
Each GMB Region has a Young Members Network, run by young workers in the local area. These groups work together across workplaces to identify common issues for young workers and then campaign together to change them. To find out more about what’s going on in your area, simply get in touch with your Regional Equality Officer.
GMB has a National Young Members Network and Committee, which run national campaigns, hold various training schools and facilitates young worker democracy within the union. The National Network engages with young members through their region, so if you would like to get involved on a national level, get involved in your region first.

Training Opportunities for Young Workers
At GMB we are one big community, which means you’ll be supported whatever you want to achieve for you, your colleagues and your fellow young workers.
I want to help my colleagues
From organising your workplace to understanding employment law, GMB has a range of training opportunities available for reps.
If you aren’t sure if you’d like to become a rep yet, GMB runs a National Organising School every year (usually January), where you can come and find out a bit more about the union and the role of a workplace rep before signing up. The school is hosted by union officers and young workers, and offers a range of workshops to help with your personal development. You can register your interest using the contact box at the top of the page.
GMB regions also put on a range of training opportunities throughout the year, which you will receive information on through your Regional Young Members Network.
I want to learn more about the union/labour movement
GMB holds two annual schools for Young Members which aim to provide members with a better understanding of society and people power.
Durham Political School Get an understanding of the big topics of the day and how politics interacts with our work and our lives. Learn the skills to influence change and make a difference in wider society. Runs alongside Durham Miners Gala, the biggest gathering of workers and procession of brass bands celebrating working class achievement in the UK.
Tolpuddle Festival and History School Gain an insight into how the union movement was formed and what impact it has had on our lives today. Learn about the struggles of normal people and the huge achievements we’ve won by working collectively. Runs alongside Tolpuddle Festival, a combination of music, debates and collective spirit which celebrates the founders of the UK trade union movement.
You can use the contact box at the top of the page to register your interest.
I want to develop myself in my employment
GMB offers a range of development opportunities for all members. From providing free level 2 qualifications to offing bursaries for study, GMB’s Lifelong Learning Hub has something for everyone.
More about GMB Equality
Alongside GMB Young Workers, we also have self organised groups (SOGs) for Women, BAME, LGBT+ and Disabled workers. These groups also come together to campaign for issues that effect them, and many regions have local groups you can get involved in.