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Welcome to
North West & Irish Region

About North West & Irish Region

About this Region

North West and Irish region is one of seven GMB regions that make up the national organisation with over half a million general members employed in workplaces and organisations across the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

If you need to contact the GMB about a workplace issue please contact your workplace representative or GMB Officer in the first instance who will usually be in a better position to give specific workplace advice and assistance. If you do not have contact details for your GMB representative or officer please contact one of our regional offices at the details below. You will then be referred to the appropriate workplace representative, branch official or full time officer who will respond as soon as possible.

Columbus Quay Riverside Drive Liverpool L3 4GB

Contact us
Open Hours

Monday - Friday

9AM - 4.30PM (Open)

Call Us

0151 727-0077


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member today.