What issues do women workers face in the workplace?
Find out more about the issues woman face in the workplace and how being a GMB member can help.
GMB activists campaign and fight for better rights, pay and conditions for all women at work.
Women still get paid less than male counterparts for work of equal value. Women are still discriminated against if we have children or other caring responsibilities. We are are still more affected by public sector cuts.
Women find ourselves working harder to combat discrimination, pay inequality and to be recognised for their talents.
Disabled workers want the opportunity to thrive in the workplace - not just survive.
Only 5% of construction workers are BAME says GMB Union while pledging commitment to more diverse…
On World Menopause Day, bosses must recognise the ‘debilitating’ symptoms which affect 70% of…
GMB says Northern Ireland will take a ‘huge leap forward’ when abortion and same sex marriage…
Unbelievably in 2019 we are seeing racist abuse at football games in the UK.
GMB, Britain’s general union, has described rocketing hate crime figures as ‘heart-breaking and…
GMB Union calls on politicians to trust women with their own lives, bodies and choices.
Mandatory ethnicity pay gap reporting would end discrimination and ensure the world of work is fair…