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GMB Congress 2020 which was due to be held in Blackpool between Sunday 7 June and Thursday 11 June 2020 has been cancelled, following a decision of the Central Executive Council's Finance & General Purposes Committee, due to the impact of Covid-19.

Statement from GMB General Secretary and GMB National President:

Cancellation of GMB Congress 2020

The CEC’s Finance & General Purposes Committee has, this week, taken the decision to cancel this year’s GMB Congress, due to be held in Blackpool, due to ongoing concerns about the current outbreak of Coronavirus (Covid-19). Although this was not an easy decision, GMB members, activists and employees are our top priority and we strongly believe this is the right decision to safeguard the health and wellbeing of all concerned, given the current circumstances.​

Tim Roache Barbara Plant
Former General Secretary National President

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